Why I Started "Twinolin"

I love cookies, but what really keeps me waking up every day is being able to toy with my violin. With this delicate, modest yet emotionally rich instrument in hand, I often feel as if there are no unachievable musical colors and rhythms. As much as I enjoy playing classical music, I realized the importance of daily practices and that not always could I be motivated to spend hours fine-tuning every single note or articulation. If I were able to listen to my own playing from a distance as opposed to listening to online recordings, would that encourage me to practice more? That realization together with an emerging interest in videography has led me to start Twinolin, a violin Youtube channel co-run by my twin sister. We decided to capture our best-rehearsed performances at the time to inspire our future selves and perhaps any violin beginners to keep making music, no matter what learning phases we're in!